Phony oil trading companies. Phony crude oil traders and brokers.
We would like to place on this page a list of so-called pseudo crude oil sellers and their schemes. People who want to scam others by using a legitimate Buyer’s/Seller’s documents to act as if they are a genuine Buyer or Seller. They fraudulently change the company contact information on authentic documents to their own. They come to this business with just one purpose – to scam the maximum number of people and make money using their documents. They are costing you both time and money and must be stopped.
We think that every company has had such experiences, so we decided to create this page to strengthen the vigilance of those people who are seriously working in this business. If you know of ways which the scammers are using to deceive us and the name of companies or individuals who scammed you (with substantiated proof) send the information to us and we will place them on this page.
Let’s together make working in this business cleaner from these rogues!!! |
If you think that the information on this site is useful and that the Internet community in the petroleum field must be guarded from scammers, you need to place our link on your site. We will always update information about scammers and their schemes on this page, so visitors to your site can choose partners in their business with the utmost caution.
<a href="http://www.rebco.us" target="_blank"> <img src="http://www.rebco.org/images/rebco_logo.jpg" alt="REBCO, Inc. - Reliable oil trading company" border="0"></a> |
Our banner on your site will look like this:
![](images/rebco_logo.jpg) |
1. Scammers use different computer software to make forged documents.
Most frequently scammers counterfeit ICPO/BCL by using the names of the most powerful companies and banks, changing telephone and fax number or e-mail address in the original documents to theirs, and also using unauthentic official’s signatures or stamps and letterheads (by the example of this document).
Document looks like it is authentic, but it does not refer to the organization who issued this document.
2. Scam payment scheme for joint stock company JSC “AK Transneft” allegedly for the oil transit.
This scheme was developed by Nigerians. It is simple - persuasion in the fact that they are Sellers and have a good connections with the President of Joint Stock Company “AK Transneft”. They issue fraudulent invoices for payment with pseudo bank details of JSC “AK Transneft”, which belongs to the scammers. They are using free mail servers like @mail.ru, @rambler.ru, etc with no reference to JSC “AK Transneft” and their mail servers.
Scammer's contracts contain their own phones numbers as the Seller's phone numbers, their bank details and e-mails, one of the bank officers who is also working in their criminal scheme and never was a bank officer. All these companies are fictitious and predominantly work on the Alibaba.com site. They’re working through "Alpha Bank" or "Bank Russian Standard".
Moreover, they all speak Russian with a strong foreign (Nigerian) accent.
Mazut M-100
Mazut Trading Companies, Buyers and Sellers, ICPO, Mandate, Bunkers
REBCO Traders, FCO, Suppliers, Oil Brokers, Intermediaries, Agents, FOB
Gas Oil (D2)
D2 Suppliers, Wholesale Buyers, Storage, AGO, GasOil, Facilitators, LOI